Monday 10 April 2017


To forget you quickly, first I will need to make a list of all the things I do not like about you and then I will start to cross them one by one, because they will be forgotten.
To forget me, you would have to do the same. Make a long list of things that you do not like about me and then start crossing boldly what you will not miss anymore.
To forget you, I will need a second list of things that I like about you.
To forget me quickly, you also have to make a second list of all those little silly things that you like about me.
To forget you quickly, I will need all the space-time in the world because this is my idea of ​​quickly forgetting. The Sun will need to shine not just four billion years, but even twice as long. The Earth will need to make countless spins around the Sun. The Moon will have to put up with dancing naked and lonely around the Earth, but never to be embraced by it. Millions more springs, summers, autumns and snowy winters should pass. Then I will forget.
To forget me quickly, you have to imagine that I am the most distant uninhabited planet where is no life and which is dangerous to the life that you carry. Because on this planet it is hot, too hot for your northern blood. Because I am closer to the Sun and I reflect its energy multiplied hundreds of times. Can you bear so much heat and light?
To forget you quickly, I will need to concentrate on the first list. However, will I find enough words from all the words in the world to describe what I do not like about you and why have to forget you?
To forget me quickly, please do not make a second list, because it will shorten the distance between us. Do not imagine why you were mad about me. Do not look for words about it. This will increase the pain and the suffering. And for the suffering there is no need of words, it is in my eyes. Look into my eyes, see your suffering in my eyes and concentrate on the first list what you do not like about me. And why you have to forget me. Make a longer list, multiply my every defect by two. So, it will be easier for you to forget me and not think about me.
To forget me, do not look for me and do not follow me. So you will not forget me, you will remember me, you will love me. To forget me, lock your body away from me, lock also your heart and your soul, throw away your thoughts about me and replace them with something empty and silly.
To help you to forget me, I will be awful, disgusting, and cruel. I will pretend you do not exist. You do the same. Let us pretend that the gravity does not attract us so terribly strongly to each other. Because if we manage to forget each other, we will suffer less than to live with the knowledge that we cannot be together. Let us be brave and forget each other.
To forget me do not think about me. Think about the limitations and the prisons where you are in, and which prevent you to look for me. Listen to those who say that I am not for you. Listen to your doubts. Keep safely the keys for your prisons. So you will never be free to see me.
To forget you, I will think of the cages in which I am. I will lock myself with nine padlocks and I will throw the keys out of the window of my tower, so the river can take them far away. Then there will be really no hope to see you.
To forget me, do not listen to those who say that opposites attract each other. This is a terrible mistake. I am a mistake that should not be repeated. Be strong and resist the temptation to see me in order not to suffer anymore.
To forget you, I will think how awfully cruel and cold you can be. I will repeat to myself day and night, that I am not your first choice nor even the second one. I am a mistake, a flow of circumstances, a cruel irony of the gravity, which takes revenge for something personal and distant. I will think that you are afraid because you are used to live in your prisons and limitations.  I am a proud and free bird.
To forget you, I have to accept your facts that the status quo is such and it cannot be changed. This will make me passive.
To forget me, think of me as something dangerous, foreign, alien, something that has come to destroy your peaceful world, to change you and to steal you from yourself. Do you want me to steal you? Stay away from me.
To forget you, I will try not to think about our first meeting and how I flew when my eyes met yours. About how every time voluntarily I was coming closer to my guillotine. Because I knew that, it will end in that way.
You also forget that you met me, forget that a choir of heavenly angels was singing in your soul every time you saw me. But can you pretend to yourself that you do not remember our first meeting? Are you strong enough to pretend that you were indifferent to me?
Why even locked in such distant towers, we are closer than ever? Closer even than the distance of the longing. Because we are the dream for each other.
In the name of the pain of your soul and the pain of my heart, because of all the suffering and all the tears, He, our merciful Creator commands you to remember me. Remember me how I am for you - distant, unreachable, untouched and unkissed, suffering for you. And I will remember you the way you are - suffering for me. Longing for me. Unlock your heart and listen to our Creator. Do not pretend you do not understand what he tells you. He wants us to stop hurting each other with the silence. He wants you to love me. Do not pretend it is not happening to you. Do not be blind. Do not resist the gravity. Destroy your prisons. Look for me. Love me.
He does not want me to forget you.

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