Monday 30 December 2019


(a poem by 11 years old Emma)  
Emma Dimitrova's version of  'Starry Night'
of Vincent van Gogh

May there be fire in the hearth,
May the walls stand still and strong,
May the cooking pot be ever full,
May the larder be stocked high,
May there be clothes in the cupboard.

May the year be full of joy,
Sweet like honey!
May the woes of life disappear,
Like flies in a web!
May our year be long and rich,
And beautiful like an evergreen tree!

Friday 20 December 2019


(a poem by 11 years old Emma) 

The flickering candle sits in her hands,
Emitting a soft warm glow.
It strives to be seen, noticed,
Just like her.

The girl has lost nothing,
Yet this flickering light is all she has.
A flickering hope, yet there it is,
Lighting up her small face.

The candle burns in her hand,
Dripping hot wax.
Slowly, the light burns down,
Leaving it's thoughts in the cold air.
Remember me, it whispers.

The girl does not forget.
The candle's legacy stays with her,
As they travel through time and space.
Together, a lost hope, steady like the wind.
