Wednesday, 22 December 2021




  (67 педагогически идеи как възрастните могат да подобряват взаимоотношенията си с децата и подрастващите).
Онлайн може да се поръча оттук:
Книгата обхваща 67 теми и въпроси, върху които възрастните могат да помислят, ако искат да продължат да подобряват взаимоотношенията си с децата. Възпитателните ефекти се получават като резултат от добрата връзка между възрастните и децата. Книгата е обърната към възрастните (родители и учители) и тяхната отговорна, водеща роля в тези взаимоотношения. 
“Герой” за нас е всеки, който се старае да преодолее някаква своя слабост или недостатък. Това е всеки, който полага усилие, за да подобри нивото си на развитие. Като резултат от това той често прави добри неща в полза и на други хора. Което означава, че героят е в процес на постоянно търсене и развитие, подобряване. Това развива съзнанието му и той пораства до идеята, че героизъм е и да правиш нещо изключително за другите, просто ей така, без да ти заплащат, следвайки благородните пориви на сърцето си. 
Книгата обобщава години наред търсене как да градим мостове към другия. А тези мостове могат да свързват както душата на детето и възрастния, така и всяка човешка душа с друга.
Надявам се, че темите са неостаряващи и вечно актуални. Аз съм ги използвала успешно в работата си с учащи се от различни националности, етноси и религии. Това е затвърдило в мен убеждението, че човешката душа е универсална, в която и точка на света да е родено тялото. Душата си има своите енергийни закони. Тя е вечна и неостаряваща. Няма душа на възрастен и душа на дете. Има просто човешка душа. 
Много се надявам да е полезна, особено на млади учители/преподаватели и млади родители, а и въобще на хора, които се вълнуват от въпросите на възпитанието.
Езикът е популярен и есеистичен. Книгата се е оформяла и писала в мен години наред и е резултат от моя опит и философия, оформяна през годините. Но това не е учебник, нито сборник с рецепти как се възпитава герой, а повод да се замислим над някои актуални теми на възпитанието.

Friday, 5 November 2021


Link for the book:

The book covers 67 topics and questions that adults (parents and educators) can think about if they want to continue to improve their relationships with children. The upbringing effects are obtained as a result of the good connection between adults and children. The book is neither a textbook nor a collection of recipes on how to make heroes. The tone of the book is practical idealism. It considers relationships and upbringing as part of the spiritual growth of adults, children and young people. It is full of methods, techniques and ideas that can be used.

We dare to hope that the topics are timeless and always relevant. We have used them successfully in our work with students of different nationalities, ethnicities and religions. This has strengthened in us the belief that the human soul is universal, no matter where in the world the body is born. The soul has its energy laws. It is eternal and ageless. There is no adult soul and no child soul. There is just a human soul.

‘Hero’ for us is anyone who tries to overcome any weakness or shortcoming. This is everyone who makes an effort to improve their level of development. As a result, they often do good things for the benefit of others. Which means that the hero is in a process of constant search for development and improvement. This develops their consciousness, and they grow to the idea that it is heroism to do something exceptional for others. Without being paid and simply following the noble impulses of your heart.

Children are new souls, they need someone to show them this world in its purest version, filled with love, compassion, peace, humanity, justice and progress. If you show new souls examples full of aggression, hatred, violence, they will copy this as an example of what the world looks like. They will spread this kind of energy around themselves.

We can only educate by our own example. Adults are the ones who choose the educational frameworks that they consider important. Both the parent and the teacher must be prepared to go through the whole difficult path of development with the child. The adult determines the atmosphere, sets the moral principles and rules that are fair to everyone. This book summarizes years of searching for how to build bridges to the other. These bridges can connect the soul of a child and an adult, as well as any human soul with another.

This book reflects our many years of international experience in the field of education and is reflective of our journey as an educator, teacher, lecturer, author, parent and as a human being. We will feel that we have done useful work, if others reading are inspired to find their truth.

Friday, 20 August 2021


Sweet Summer Nostalgia, Namaste Switzerland


I remember it was beautiful,

But so overwhelming,

That I couldn't appreciate it properly.

I didn’t take the time to see it through my own eyes.

The moments of happiness

Were so staggering,

And I thought they would last forever,

When in fact, each moment is fleeting,



Like a butterfly

On the breeze.

Now, my mundane life,

Allows me to register,

How amazing that blessing of a butterfly was,

My head was reloaded with energy,



Enough to feed on for another year.

The past tugs me into the future,

My mind clinging

To any trace of my memories around me.

The smell of the scorched grass,

Pulls me back,

The almost-empty streets,

The soft summer breeze,

Puff echoes of the past into my head.

The cool shadows of the overgrown trees,

The rustle of the almost-ready

Corn in the fields,

The scent of the air as the rain drops dry up.

Saturday, 17 July 2021


 Love is a string that binds souls together,

A string woven from trust,






So when that fragile thread

Trembles, and  threatens to snap,

Love cries out in despair,

Trying to tug the thread back,

To safety,

Back where it belongs,

Back where it is strong

And secure.

With love,

All doubters run,

The sun shines brighter,

The winter nights are warmer

With love,

The pain is more lasting,

With vulnerable tears falling,

At the slightest damage

Done your heartstrings.

Sunday, 4 July 2021



On the vast meadow 

Of gentle blue,

The sun takes her children

Out to play.

The sweet little clouds

Leap and frolic

In their mother’s golden shadow.

But soon, their jumps get slower,

And their eyes start to droop,

So mother Sun takes them home,

Emptying the sapphire sky.

But not for long.

Another family appears-

The mother duck and her ducklings-

The moon and her stars.

Their shadows dyeing the sky

A dark, mysterious blue

Like a deep, calm ocean.

The moon’s pretty stars

Twinkle and shine,

Joyfully holding hands in different patterns and groups.

Sunday, 16 May 2021



V. Aurelian,'Green eyes and quiet morning'
My Quiet Eyes watch everything.
They trace the steps of every creature,
Every proud and shameful moment.
My Quiet Eyes are your salvation and destruction.
My Quiet Eyes witness
The birth of planets, constellations, ideas,
The death of stars,
The fall of kings,
My Quiet Eyes see everything,
The birth of babies,
The maiden voyages of ships.
The last day of school before the holidays.
But My Quiet Eyes are overwhelming,
They keep me trapped, alone, silent.
My Quiet Curse keeps me deaf, paralised, mute.
The babies open their mouths, but no sound leaves their mouths.
The ships set sail without me.

Friday, 26 February 2021



By AatmicaOjha

At the right moment,
With the right spell,
The dam will break,
And from deep within a sound will wake,
Bubbling up,
Full of joy,
A special sound,
A special feeling.
Brims over,
It overflows,
Spills out the inner joy,
Through laughter,
Fizzing happiness,
And sparkling personality,
Down, and out,
In a laughter waterfall,
Spreading, traveling,
Sweeping other people up,

Saturday, 20 February 2021



Черните рокли на жените
Треперят от виещия вятър.
Треперят като раменете на хората,
Които са слушали как Апостола
Им разказва за свободния полет на птиците.
Грачат гарвани,
И перата им покриват земята като черно одеяло.
Левски, Апостола,
Е мъртъв,
И цяла България плаче.
Хора, спрете се.
Левски е мъртъв?
Как така мъртъв?
Та нали мечтата му все още свети
по-ярко от най-блестящата звезда на небето?
Мечтата му да ни види свободни.
А това ни прави отговорни пред него
и пред нашите деца.

Saturday, 6 February 2021



All throughout history,
Through wars,
By DLynneS

And pandemics,
And disasters,
There have always been generals,
Kings, presidents, prime ministers,
Looking after the bigger picture
Winning the battle,
Fighting diseases,
Often forgetting who they’re fighting for.
Fighting for victory, glory,
Not for the helpless citizens.
And as planes shoot across the sky,
And sickness lingers in the air,
The people of the earth
Hold hands in despair.
