Saturday 9 February 2019


The words are like a weapon ready to shoot you. Your words are like a web that

entwines me in the network of your world. The energy of your words spreads your intentions and your soul. I learn to be strong and not to feel hurt by your words.

Words ready to conquer me with love. Words ready to hug my loneliness. Words ready to dominate me and to depersonalize me. Your words are the clothes of your thoughts and feelings. Your words are a cry of your fears. Your words are like a freedom that does not know what to do with itself. Your words are like love that nobody wants to adopt.

Your words come out of you and conquer the world. They enchant, obey, humiliate all. And no one can stop the words anymore. Once they get out of you, they become part of the words of all people who infect the world with the energy they carry. They can make you sick of love or hatred. The words have power and authority. Every word has consequences. The words are the ones that unite and divide.

The words are obstacles. I was expecting your voice to say something to me. Something that will stay in my heart. But instead you are full of doubts and hesitation. You say what you do not mean. Because you have no courage to say what you want to say. You leave me with the interpretation of your soul's anguish. But instead to one another, your timid words leave us where we are, without even taking a step forward. Your words are the obstacle that stands between us.

 The words are the colours of the earth. The words are colours in the soul. The words are the fragile white. White as my naked heart that I hold in my hands. White as the pain of the rejection of my heart. White as a spring’s blossom on an innocent girl's hair. White as your new love, still untouched by treacherous disappointment. White as snow that has stowed the way between us. Like tears like the suffering of your wounded heart. White as the midnight moon, reflecting the sadness of our loneliness.

The words are the dreamy blue. Blue as my longing for you. Blue as your tenderness for me. Dreamy soft blue like love from a distance.

 The words are the optimism of the yellow. Yellow as sun as a hope for us, like a golden dust that binds us forever. Saturated yellow as orange and exotic as I am for you.

 The words are like a red dawn. A red sunrise, where everything begins as shy blushing between the two. Like a fiery passion that removes shy barriers. Red as your desire to have me. Red as faith and opportunity for tomorrow.

The words are like a black cloud. As a rainy summer cloud, carrying a storm and change. Like a black cloud that ruins old roads to create new paths between us. Black as a curtain that conceals two parallel worlds, where white and black change their places.

The words are like a green sea of ​​peace and promise. As a green summer day, in which the leaves hide sadness of the impossible together.

The words are the taste of life. Sweet like the touch of your hands. Bitter as the separation. Salty like the tears for you, when unexpectedly you disappear.

The words are your eyes. The words are like your faithful eyes, steadily following me wherever I go. Eyes full of adoration when I'm near. Eyes full of sadness when I'm away. Eyes that understand without words. Eyes that obey.

The words are a music. The words are the music of your voice. Your voice is my point of reference wherever I am. I hear it in the crowd of other unknown voices. I hear it when you keep silent. Your voice is the music that conquers my world. Your voice is like an excited autumn leaf that will instantly break away from the branches and fly in my direction. My voice has power and influence over you, makes you weak and obedient.

The words are the touch to you. The touch to you is like electricity, as a promise, as conquest. I touch you to learn to feel. The touch to you is like enlightenment. Like God, who has abandoned me, to rediscover it again in a new face. He wants me to believe in no conditions, to believe him without limits. And when I'm lost, then he sends me you as his little copy to make me to feel him through you again. The touch to you is like electricity, as a religious experience, as a return to God.

The words are a tenderness. They are your unspoken concern for me. They are your attention, joy, delight and adoration. They exalt you and they make you better. The words are your fear of losing me, because I'm what takes your better version out of you. The words are my fears that you are the reason for my fragile vulnerability that you hold the key to my fall and exaltation. The words are the fear of the twist of things. From the fact that what makes you so excited and soft today will be the cause of your betrayal and coldness tomorrow.

 The words are a shout for mercy. A shout for help in a world obsessed with cruelty and loneliness. A shout for mercy in a world where everyone prefers to educate their mind but not their heart. Because it is the heart-loving thing to save us from the cold indifference.

  The words are a weapon. The words can stroke and kill. The words are wounds from which our hearts bleed. Live wounds we cause each other. The words are an escape from responsibility. The words are our other being. The words are the door to you.

Silence is a justification, forgiveness, freedom to choose words carefully. Silence is salvation. Silence is like recognition in love. The silent love, overcoming the obstacles of words, lives forever.

Silence is what connects us forever when words lose their power.

The silent embrace is like divine forgiveness.

 (Elena S. Lyubenova)

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