Friday 14 July 2017


I am not from here. I am trapped in this mortal body. I am immortal and elusive. I have been in this city for a while, and even in this world, for quite a while. But it happened that I met you. When I met you I remembered how God created the universe. With a crashing thunder and a gravity. The dust and the gas created everything visible and invisible. Everything will become a dust at the end.

When the earth turns in a way so that the darkness covers everything, go out and look at the dark sky, illuminated by distant little lights. From there I am, I came to visit the earth in this form for a while.

Our story has been repeated for thousands of years and can never come to an end that would appeal to both of us.  Our story is an endless story, but with a beginning that happened on a summer day when another meteor burnt into the atmosphere of the earth. You saw the death of the meteor, but thought it was a falling star and traditionally you made a wish. I was your wish. You wished to meet me again someday. Love has happened to you. You were not ready for this love.

So we met. As a fulfilled wish of the shooting star. As a ready recipe for a cosmic drama. But I am not what you think I am. I am an elusive energy. I am not a projection of your thoughts about me. I am not an image of what you are used to see around you. I am from your cosmic past and future.

But you are not ready for me.  You have a large window frame in which you have shown some things. They stand there because you want everyone to see them and to think that you can be trusted. In this frame, I see a few portraits that people will like to see. But beneath the large, embraced and showy happy portraits I see something else. It looks like a cage, a lie, hypocrisy. There is also a great fear coming from one corner. A fear that if you remove this window frame from your happy life, nothing will remain. A fear that the others will not accept you well without this frame cage. But is that really the case?

Where is the place of love in this exemplary cage? Where is the place of the passion? Of the crazy, burning passion that if it exists, it does not need to be approved by the others. The passion does not need to be shown in a public display. It is shy, intimate and quiet as a river that will come every minute out of its bed. Does the sun need our approval to shine?

And Me? Where is my place in this framework? Somewhere behind the happy portraits, hidden as a shameful experience.

But I am not from here. You cannot hide me behind yourself. You cannot ignore me visibly and experience me passionately secretly. I am not from here. I am from the stars and I do not fit into a cage.

I am ancient and mythical. Hot energy in me rages. Because I am still shaping up myself. I am a future star. A huge ball of cosmic dust and gas gathered from the gravity forever. But I am still shaping up and your little cage is narrow for me.

I am not from here. Remember that. If you want my love, break the cage. Be free of the approval of the others. Then my fiery nature will warm your cold and frightened heart. You have a lonely heart. It is lonely, though it is in the company of so many portraits. If you want my love, be brave, be mythical and cosmic.

When God created the universe and the world, He wanted it free and proud. Because God is our conscience. And our conscience is God. Our conscience about our lives and about our pain. God created us free, free of pain. Free yourself from the pain.

 I am not from this human world, full of intentional caused suffering. I am not from a world where people prefer to kill each other instead of loving each other. Where people allow the differences to separate them. Where the fear and the hypocrisy kill the longings of the heart.

I am not from here, so I am not promising to stay here to love you right in this place. Because I can love you everywhere. You are in my heart. And I carry my heart everywhere with me. The pain reminds me of you, at any time of the day. That is why I carry my pain with me everywhere to remind me of you. Me and my pain about you are already one whole. You are in my mind. And I think constantly about you. I cannot separate you from the thoughts of joy, longing, sadness. The longing, the sorrow, and the pain are your connection with me.

No, do not make me stay. There is no room for me in this narrow framework. There are already enough portraits, faded portraits, old portraits, telling of long-felt feelings and hearts. Portraits of people who are part of your great formal family. They watch carefully for every possible shuffling of the portraits around you. Your happiness depends on their approval. You are not free from their approval. You are not free from their decisions. You are not free. You cannot decide for your own life alone. The portrait frame is your prison.

There is no place in this frame for me, the places are long ago occupied and counted. The world is staring at this frame and knows exactly how many portraits there are. The world will not forgive you a certain shuffle and replacement of the portraits. The world is cruel, and you are weak and not brave enough to rebel against the world. Because everything is clear, precise, secure and outlined in the portrait frame. There you are part of the group, because that is how you can exist. You do not need to have a personality beyond the frame. You are used to being part of the big kennel. You are not a brave medieval knight who has the courage to defend his lady's honor. No, you are a small person living in a small narrow frame. Your suffering, pain and longing for me are so great that they are about to destroy your cozy frame. Even if it happens someday, even when the frame under the pressure of your great suffering breaks over me and releases you from your cell, even then you will not escape. You are small and you have no courage to do so. You do not need your freedom. You do not need the world to judge you. But the world will always judge you and condemn whatever you do. And you are not brave enough to face the world. You are not brave enough to fight for yourself.

And you know what? Even if you free yourself, do not look for me. You are used to live in frames and even if your old frame breaks, you will instinctively look for materials to build a new frame. You will put new portraits in it and you will continue to depend on the world’s opinion and judgement. One day and your new frame will become too narrow from the great suffering of your heart. But even then do not look for me. Because I am not from here. I am a free and proud spirit. Elusive and independent. You cannot shut me up in a frame. You cannot put me a label and show me to the public, and you cannot dose your love for me according to the expectations of the society. 

I am more than a frame. I am the eternal great energy that met you on my way, traveling around different worlds. I do not judge you for being accustomed to living in a frame. But of all the billions of people in the human world, I gravitated around you to help you to free yourself. To give you from my courage, inspiration and longing. The pain is the one that connects us. The pain of the cosmic end, of the cosmic drama of the burning comet you saw before you met me. There in the sky you saw your destiny.

I am not from here. I am leaving because many more light years of journey are waiting for me. But to you I leave the memories of my spirit, courage and light.  You are foredoomed from now on. You are foredoomed every day to think about me. To smile, seeing me when you close your eyes. To suffer, when your longing for me becomes bigger with each passing day. And maybe someday you will become so big and so brave that you will not need a frame. Your memories of me will change you. They will change you slowly and surely every day and in each of your next lives.

And when after a few lifetimes, I will visit these places again, then you will follow me. You will recognize me immediately when you see me. You will recognise my hair, my smile, my eyes in which you will see yourself. When you recognise  me it will be easy and magical. 

Then you will go with me and we will both conquer the universe. We will walk around all its corners and we will find our God.

(Elena S. Lyubenova) 

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